“We can’t wait to get them in stock here at the zoo!”


Edinburgh Zoo is just one of many wildlife trusts who have custom jigsaws made by us at our jigsaw factory in Devon.  They had seen Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s range of jigsaws made using bespoke imagery and were interested in talking to us about doing something similar.

They dropped by our stand at the Spring Fair, NEC, Birmingham and spoke to us about developing a 1000 piece jigsaw featuring four photos of their animals; red panda, penguin, sloth and giraffe. They were very keen to customise the tray base to include some information about the animals.


We worked closely with Edinburgh Zoo to design their custom jigsaw box and provided them with digital mock up designs. They were interested to know that as members of ‘Made in Britain’, we could add this prestigious logo on the tray base and they were very keen to showcase their product as being manufactured in the UK.

made-in-britain-logoClick to find out more about ‘Made in Britain’ - madeinbritain.org

During the production process, our sales team updated Edinburgh Zoo with progress photos:

“It’s really exciting to see the jigsaws in the final stage of production”


Edinburgh-zoo-6 Edinburgh-zoo-4

To support Edinburgh Zoo and buy this jigsaw – click here shop.rzss.org.uk

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