“Jigsaws have arrived, they look really good, thank you”

Barry is a volunteer for the "Friends of the Great Central Main Line" (FoGCML), the membership of the Great Central Railway based in Loughborough, Leicestershire. He contacted us at All Jigsaw Puzzles as he’d been considering adding bespoke jigsaws to their range of merchandise.

He explained that the railway is an eight mile long heritage railway which runs from Loughborough to Leicester North, with a project underway to extend to Nottingham. One of his roles is to generate funds for railway projects such as this.

He was looking for a product that was not only of good quality but would be popular with their members and supporters, would sell at an affordable price and also generate a margin for their fundraising.

As with all railway enthusiast organisations, there is never any shortage of experienced photographers on hand to offer their good quality photographs for use. It was easy for Barry to send us 3 images which we then turned into fabulous custom jigsaws for him.

Their three custom puzzles are 1000 pieces in a shoulder box. They proved so popular that another two jigsaws, one of which is a 500 piece, were very quickly added to the collection and remain popular with local and global supporters.

During the production process, our sales team updated Friends of the Great Central Railway with progress photos!

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Find out more about the Great Central Railway -

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